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Pagewood English

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Pagewood English School


九月一號(星期三)和九月二號(星期四)是下午班的 OPEN DAY
時間是下午 2:00-3:30

貝里英文 暑期輔導班 開始招生囉!


參加8月暑期安親班 費用6000元

暑期輔導班 正式招生中!!


參加7~8月暑期安親班 費用6000元

Pagewood 暑假不放假!

學生們期待已久的暑假又來了, 今年Pagewood English 將利用暑假多多加強學生的英文學習能力, 所以我們還是正常上課喔!
希望大家也能夠抓緊這個機會好好充實自己, 贏在起跑點上! 加油!

台大甄試放榜 英文翹楚拿下五冠王


Pagewood 閱讀規劃

很多學生在來PAGEWOOD之前都是用很被動的方式閱讀英文讀物, 因為他們都覺得看英文書籍既困難且無趣,自然而然的對英文書籍敬而遠之,殊不知培養出正確的閱讀習慣是讓英文進步的重要原因之一。因此我們非常重視閱讀能力並鼓勵學生"大量閱讀(extensive reading)" 。
在PAGEWOOD大家都有閱讀的習慣,從一開始基礎班的學生閱讀"Dr Seuss",到中高級班(S5)一個禮拜閱讀課外小說1至2本,只要是下課的時間學生們總是在書架前找下一本想看的書或是聚在一起討論剛看過的內容,甚至和同學推薦哪一本好看!毫無疑問的養成課後閱讀的興趣要比在課堂中強迫式的閱讀有更大幫助,而課外英文讀物看得越多的學生在聽、說、讀、寫各方面的表現上也相較於其他學生優異!

Getting pronunciation right from the beginning

Just before the winter break this year, I had an interesting experience.  One of my good friends who had lived in Taiwan was at my apartment, talking about how he had started to learn Japanese recently.  I asked him what he’d been doing an how long he’d been at it.  He told me he had just worked for a few hours on the Pimsleur audio course for Japanese and that was it.  He said he hadn’t really learned any grammar and only knew a few words.  Then he said, “私はアメリカ人です。英語話しますか?"

His pronunciation was great!  It was better than his Chinese pronunciation and he’s been living here in Taiwan for five years!

This really got me thinking more about why so many foreign language learners, myself included, struggle with pronunciation.  Of the 1000+ EFL students I’ve taught, most of those with the worst pronunciation are those who had already studied for a few years before coming to my classes.  Similarly, the language with which I’ve had the most pronunciation problems was French– a language I studied for almost five years in high school and college classes which included little phonics training.  Sometimes early pronunciation problems can become an ingrained habit that stick even after hearing a lot of native speech later on.

So how was my friend’s Japanese so authentic sounding?  I think it’s due to his learning method, not his age or language learning experience.  The Pimsleur learning course is almost completely based on listening and trying to imitate the speech on its tapes.  One level usually has 30 hours of tapes to listen to!  Not only that, but the sounds are broken down into small pieces for the student to copy and then gradually built up.  Most importantly of all, it trains listening long before asking students to try to read written language out loud.

Phonics is already the biggest focus of my curriculum for new students.  Now, after hearing my friend speak a language he just started learning that clearly, I’m wondering what other listening activities might be good to give new students.

PL2 練習考答案

請把你寫的練習考和這裡貼的答案比較一下. 如果有答案你不懂,你下堂課考試前都可以問老師.

These are answers to the extra questions from Paul’s test:

Paul’s answer sample for practice exam’s final part

PE3 練習考答案

請把你寫的練習考和這裡貼的答案比較一下. 如果有答案你不懂,你下堂課考試前都可以問老師.

Third Semester Practice Exam L1-74-Answers

注意: 大考不會用到SBS的單字.